Group Photo: Participants at the Office Superviors' meeting at Judicial Training Institute
On Tuesday June 14, 2022, the Finance and Administration department held a meeting with a section of Office Supervisors at the Judicial Training Institute. The meeting was presided over by the Under Secretary, Ms Kasande Maureen.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Kasande Maureen informed the participants that the purpose of the meeting was to remind them of their role in the smooth operations of the Judiciary in a bid to improve their performance.
In reference to the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to Judiciary's remarks to another group of the cadre during a similar meeting in May, 2022, she reminded them that it is also their mandate to ensure the safety of Court premises by working closely with Police Officers. Adding that the role of the Office Supervisor is administrative in nature which makes them answerable for any emerging administrative issues at their respective stations.
Ms Kasande relayed to the participants that the number of Office Supervisors appointed on Permanent and Pensionable (P&P) had increased from two to 23 which is an achievement for the Judiciary.
"We are expecting other 62 to be appointed on P&P from the interviews which were conducted." She added as she congratulated those who had been confirmed on Public Service while encouraging those waiting for the results of the recently concluded interviews to stay positive.
She urged the Officers to embrace reading different literature about the Judiciary and Public Service like the Constitution, the Judiciary Strategic Plan and the Administration of the Judiciary Act.
Key among the issues raised by the participants included limited space at stations for offices and archives, understaffing, overstay of non-judicial staff at certain Courts and irregularities in file movement.
In response to the issue of understaffing, the Under Secretary tasked the officers to write to the Commissioner of Human Resource Management through their Station heads indicating their staffing gaps.
She also stated that a Circular will be issued stipulating the roles of various court staff and with guidelines on the use of operational funds for the Courts.
The plan is to annually hold general meetings with all Office Supervisors to re-equip them with relevant skills and knowledge to keep abreast with the dynamic needs of the administration. The first meeting of this nature is scheduled to take place in the third quarter of the next financial year.
Other members present from Finance and Administration department included Ms Sarah Namuli, (Senior Assistant Secretary), Ms Dorcus Nankunda (Assistant Secretary) and Ms Akoragye Lussie (Assistant Secretary).
Posted 14th, June 2022